Injecting relevancy into legacy positionings and generational behaviours.
PE-backed Bradshaw Taylor was transforming from distributor to brand owner in 12 months. Strategically this is tough. Powering brands, rather than just selling them, requires a whole host of capability and cultural competencies that didn’t exist in the business.
NOKAMO’s job was clear: help transform the organisation from being sales-led, to brand-led. Long-term activity, on top of the work that made the tills ring, was now a must.
Working across three brands (Artilect, Le Chameau and Schöffel) over 24 months, we completed strategy frameworks for each.
We then renewed the creative propositions, focusing on the brands’ visual and verbal language to breathe new life into strong, quiet heroes.
Deploying each into market with a balanced portfolio of comms assets, useful for tactical and strategic comms, has seen a revitalisation of sales & distribution points, evolved activation tactics and a new energy to see them in a position of strength for years to come.
“This work needed a delicate touch, one of evolution, finesse and refinement. The strategy work right through to route to market was done with style.” CMO

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