Repositioning as an educational partner, rather than a holiday alternative.
For those of a certain age, the kids' adventure holiday positioning for PGL evokes fond memories of river rafting, rope swings and small bunk beds. Heady days, way before Roblox, Mr Beast and the social pressures of Instagram.
In this new world of ‘competition’, PGL needed to mean more than a reward at the end of primary school.
Strategically the business had to become more relevant. In a market upended by government meddling and new operating models, standing for something beyond residential adventure was necessary to avoid the inevitable procurement price squeeze. Insert education.
UK education policy has focused on a curriculum that promotes children’s exam-ability to remember & repeat. Numeracy and literacy have dominated, leaving too much of young people’s talent on the table.
PGL, as a business partner to the education system, aims to provide the illogical, but vital counterbalance. A proposition for schools, colleges, and academy trusts that sparks learning and development breakthroughs outside the classroom.

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